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Uranous Oxyfluoride, UOF2

Uranous Oxyfluoride, UOF2, is formed as a fine green precipitate when hydrofluoric acid acts on urano-uranic oxide. A solution of uranyl formate in formic acid, partly reduced by exposure to sunlight, yields, on addition of hydrofluoric acid, a precipitate of composition UOF2.2H2O. A green double salt, of composition UOF2.NH4F, is obtained by electrolysing a solution of uranyl ammonium carbonate containing excess of hydrofluoric acid.

When uranous fluoride is dissolved in a solution of ammonium oxalate a dark green liquid results, which exhibits a violet fluorescence and deposits on evaporation crystals of the double salt UF4.2(NH4)2C2O4.4H2O.

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